Fri 03 Jan
Passionate green eyes, wild curly brown hair, curvaceous figure - 32
(East Lansing, Holt, okemos, Lansing)
😗♡☆♢☆Chocolate TS Minx in Grand Rapids. ☆specials☆ Super freaky and kinky. ♡☆♡☆ 24 HOURS ♡☆♡☆😗 - 26
(28th street, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Muskegon)
little * miss* wild* $exy* blue eyes!!!! i am not a transexual !!!!!! dont kno y it says that at th - 21
Last moments here 80$ deals LAYNA love newbies !"PROOFLINK" 248-318-2370!! In/Out - 20
(Lansing, Where ever I need to be...)
( . Y . ) Lady Cashmere! So sexy it's sinful! ( . Y . ) - 24
(Lansing, lansing and central michigen)
** whiTe DiamOnD ** bBw ** bUstY _____DD'S__ SpEciALs _____ aLL ___ NigHt___ - 30
__ W_A_Y _____ T_O_O _____ [-S-] __[-E-] __ [-X-]__ [-Y-] _____ T_O _____ >> M_I_S_S - - - 24
(Lansing, Lansing...will travel)
❤Young ❤British Student - ❤I Love Roleplaying!!!❤ Fetish Friendly❤ 100% ME - 19
(Lansing, Lansing/ East Lansing)
~ *•😘•* *:•.💖 ;•:*¨¨*:• :💦 WiiLL LeAVe YOU SPeeCHLeSS 💦•:*¨¨*:•. 💖•:*¨ *••😘* - - 20 - 25
(Lansing, in town)
The Ultimate Blonde Experience 24/7 Spring Specials
(Ann Arbor, Central Michigan, Lansing, Northern Michigan, Southwest Michigan, CANTON,WESTLAND,ROMULUS)
!(¯`'. TRY ME.,''´¯).¸ ! (¯`'.¸+ YOU'RE GUARENTEED ¸.'´¯) ! (¯`'.¸ TO COME BACK ¸.´¯) - 22
(Lansing, lansing/will travel)
New Lady Around Looking for a GREAT Time!!!!! (New Girl in Town) Last night in town.. Special
(Lansing, Saginaw, Elkhart/Southbend)
—— _S_U_P_E_R__ ———————— *S_E_X_Y* -——————— _*H_O_T*_ ——— *CURVY ————— * BRUNETTE* ——————————— - - 22
(Lansing, lansing/willtravel)
{SEXY } :* ☆¨*: {PETITE } :*★¨*: {EBONY }: *¨☆*: {VIXzEN } - 21
(Lansing, Lansing incall & outcall)
.:.OUTCALLS ONLY ! Sexii Blonde !Come Play With Me =) .:. - 24
(Lansing, Lansing((surrounding areas)))
NeW:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: ThIcK*:*:sO SeXy :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - 23
(Flint, Incall only west side area!)
Sexy, Blonde hair Blue eyed Athletic Lesbian. Back in town! looking to experiment! :) - 23
(Lansing, Lansing, Michigan)
Sexy Tabitha 19 ** New in town** Young & fun & ready to spend some time with you CALL (517) 410-1372 - 19
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
RAQUEL - i am sugar and spice and everthing nice! I am going to be bad tonight! - 32
(Lansing, Lansingp)
$80 ((SeXY))* (BrOWN) *(HoNEY)* $80*SO SEDUCTiVE~ (*GFE*) ~FETiSH PLeASURES~ »»Up All NiGhT $80 - - 22
(Lansing In/Out)
♛ NEWBIE " *¨¨*"-:¦:-" * $Hy` @NNe & Fr!eNd _-:¦:-_ "*¨¨*"-:¦:-" * SPECIALS ♛ - 20
Mrs.Cassie Brunette Godess 😛Call Me Now!!🚥517 703 7139 Real Girl Real Pics - 21
(Lansing, Lansing (Surrounding Areas))
Saturday SPECIALs hot & sweet~~100% all real~~ beautiful latina, wild & fun kissable& satisfying. - 24
(Lansing, south)
Lookin for an amazing experience that will leave u wantin more! allnight & day all week! - 24
(Lansing, lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
looking for outcall? NOT FULL SVC! classiest in adult MASSAGE. 120 per 40 min - 22
(Lansing, south lansing)
I'm ___ Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D ((To Leave You )) __ S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D - 23
(Lansing, lansing/will travel)