Sun 05 Jan
~~~~ NeW, HoTT, SweEt, SeNTuaL... IncaLL SpeciaLs... FRiDaY Only~~~~ SaMMy !! 734*858*9209 - 22
(Lansing, HoWeLL/ FoWleRviLLe In-caLL Only)
new pics 💋ill be the best u will ever have in ur life only a call for some fun 📱💌 out spacials 💋 - 23
(Lansing, (East lansing in calls all night -out c)
Passionate Seducing Provider, Im Waiting For You!
(Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Central Michigan, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Holland, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Monroe, Muskegon, Northern Michigan, Port Huron, Saginaw, Southwest Michigan, Upper Penin)
»-★-» »-★-» NEW »-★» PETITE »-★-» MISTRESS »-★-» Passion »-★-» - 26
(Lansing, Lansing and surrounding areas)
SeXy 💋ExOtIC 💎PLAYMATE 🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋 - 23
(Ann Arbor, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Lansing)
シ—• ★ —• SaSsY & SeNSuAL シ シ BRUNETTEs DO IT BEST •— ❤ •— シ-Early Morning Specials - 30
(Lansing, lansing/Incall~Outcall UP EARLY)
💋Professional ~ Discreet 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ Now accepting credit cards! - 32
(Lansing, lansing~outcall/incall /24/7 CC accepted)
☎ *·.¸.·´¯* iRR£SiS†IBL£ * IN DEMAND * ✔ 2 GrL §PECiAL ✔* BLoNdE & BrUneTtE *·.¸❤☎ Now ! - 26
(Lansing, my place or yours lol)
*~~*~Freaky &gorgeous;*~~* sexy latina playmate right here... in and outcalls - 24
(Lansing, south)
🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵 INCALL 🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵Sweet 🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵 Beautiful-🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵Sexy Asian 🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵 Japanese🔵🔵🈂 -21 - 21
(Battle Creek, Lansing, 🔵🔵💎💎🔵🔵 🔵🔵💎💎Lansing Hwy 69 eixt 93B🔵)
🌠🌠I KNOW WhAt U WANT & I WILL GiVe ALL U CaN HaNdLe💟✴C*U*M PlaY $$ Specials Tonight ☎248-818-8650 - 33
(Ann Arbor, Airport/Ann Arbor/Taylor/Dearborn/OUTCAL)
.·´¯*★ GoRGeouS FaCE . .·´¯*★ TRuLy AMaZiNG BoDY . .·´¯*★ aND a SeXy PeRSoNaLiTy - 21 - 21
(Lansing, lansing mi)
♥ ♥ ♥Happy St. Pattys Day♥with a Petite ♥ Chocolate Spin Ner ♥Available Now ♥ ♥ ♥ - 27
(Lansing, e.Lansing)
💋💋♥LimiTed Edition♥【Cute💘 Doll】✓【Amazing By Nature】✓【 Curvy 💘 Clean】✓♥ You'll love me ♥ ⓢⓦⓔⓔⓣ - 19
(Lansing, Holt)
Laylah Marie°•°•°exotic bombshell CALL NOW! 517-492-7210 - 21
(Lansing, Lansing (surrounding areas))
HOT BLONDE with angel BLUE eyes in the LOCAL AREA IN and OUT calls waitin for U... - 24
(Lansing, lansing / central michigan)
Jasmine is back and will work with anything u got and got xmas special w/nother girl - 25
~**Happy Thanksgiving! Here to make you holiday a little BRIGHTER!**~ - 23
(lansing-Will Travel Anywhere)
Hot an Ready for you..100% Real. 100% Independent (Incall and Outcall Specials) - 19
(Lansing, SouthSide Lansing)
Friday13th- GrandRapids Specials130hr Till10p - &Duos; Peyton 225h ......... Holland Shoreline SWMich - 35
(Grand Rapids, Travelin Thru Out Western Michigan)
*-:¦:- I'm Naugty With A -:¦:- Sweet Little -:100% EXOTIC BEAUTY - 28
(Lansing, Lansing InCaLL Specials)
--Im So0o0o0o ... WaNnA Play???? -- 100% REAL PICS 100% SATISFACTION **Don't Miss Out Boys !!! - 19
Diamond! This Is My Last Night In Michigan! Im Heading Out In The A.M Call Now - 21
(Lansing/Will Travel)